
Business Intelligence

Beyond GPT-4: The Distinctive Value of Text and Image Analytics in Sentiment and Topic Labelling
Business Intelligence May 2023

Beyond GPT-4: The Distinctive Value of Text and Image Analytics in Sentiment and Topic Labelling

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to gain an edge over their rivals. Among the various capabilities ...

Discover the Secret to Predicting Consumer Trends Before Your Competitors
Business Intelligence May 2023

Discover the Secret to Predicting Consumer Trends Before Your Competitors

The discovery of emerging trends has become increasingly important in recent years. Product development and innovation executives are constantly searching for ways ...

Who Should Own Your NPS Tracker? CX or Insights Teams?
Business Intelligence April 2023

Who Should Own Your NPS Tracker? CX or Insights Teams?

According to research by Forrester, 53% of companies worldwide have a dedicated CX department, while the remaining companies may integrate CX responsibilities ...

Social Listening – Social Analytics – Social Intelligence
Business Intelligence April 2021

Social Listening – Social Analytics – Social Intelligence

S-L-A-I Social Listening, Social Analytics, and Social Intelligence - are they the same or are they integral parts of a sequential process, ...

Deutsche Bank ranks first in social media buzz – that’s a good thing, right?
Business Intelligence June 2019

Deutsche Bank ranks first in social media buzz – that’s a good thing, right?

Nope, not in this case! Statements such as ‘XYZ ranks first on social media buzz’ can be quite misleading. In Social Intelligence, ...

Have Banks discovered the value of Social Intelligence yet?
Business Intelligence June 2019

Have Banks discovered the value of Social Intelligence yet?

This is a short story about social intelligence (SI) and banks… listening247 – DigitalMR’s social intelligence solution – has a unique selling ...

The Missing Link in CX Measurement is…
Business Intelligence March 2019

The Missing Link in CX Measurement is…

...Social Intelligence! CX stands for customer experience for those of you who are not familiar with the acronym. There are more related ...

8 Things Data Driven Organisations Do Better Than Their Competitors
Business Intelligence January 2019

8 Things Data Driven Organisations Do Better Than Their Competitors

Without a doubt it pays to be data driven. McKinsey Global Institute reports that data-driven organisations are now 23 times more likely ...

Social Media Intelligence
Business Intelligence January 2019

Social Media Intelligence

As one would expect, social media intelligence (or just social intelligence) came up as a subject at the “Social Intelligence World” conference ...